Keep Seasonal Allergies & Flu Under Control: Key Tips to Follow

Keep Seasonal Allergies & Flu Under Control: Key Tips to Follow

Seasonal Allergies & Flu: A Brief Review

Seasonal changes are a common trigger for influenza and allergies. It may be the chilly wind or the dust in the air that triggers allergies. Many people confuse these two for the same thing. A cold is an infection caused by a virus, and thus the body's defense system responds to prevent it from spreading. An allergy may be due to dust, pollen or some other pollutant found in the air around us. However, you may be able to avoid catching a cold by wearing a mask or staying away from people who are infected. Despite this, seasonal allergies will still occur. For the sake of avoiding coughs and sneezes, you may wear a mask, ensure adequate ventilation, and invest in products such as WellisAir Purifier, which might just be the best air purifier for allergies.

Seasonal Flu & Allergies: A Cause and Effect

Seasonal flu and allergies come and go but often lead to great discomfort for a prolonged time. Allergy symptoms last if you expose yourself to allergens (the cause of your allergy) which may last up to a few months depending on what your allergen is. While a seasonal flu is treatable, but prevention is better than cure and antibiotics are never our best friend. These allergies are not always harmless and often leave a long-term effect such as breathing issues or ulcers in the nose due to constant runny nose. Dryness may as well further escalate the problem. Pollen proves to be a great source of allergy and it escalates during the pollination season. The most beneficial thing you can do for your health is to utilize proper ventilation, stay inside, and make your home and children's bedrooms allergen-free by investing in air purifiers.

Key Tips for Cutting Down Seasonal Flu & Allergy Risks

As a result of seasonal flu and allergy risks, we have compiled the following tips for you to work on for before the seasonal flu hits you:

⦿ Identify your allergens. It is crucial for you to acknowledge and identify the reason behind your allergy and understand the symptoms it causes. During these uncertain times it is important to know if it is just a common pollen reaction or a strong virus such as COVID 19.

⦿ Keep your diet healthy. Diet plays a direct role to build your immunity system and it helps boost it up.

⦿ For pollen allergies, staying indoors might be the best option for you unless you absolutely must. While you drive, you may want to keep the windows up. While outside, wear masks and glasses that cover your eyes.

⦿ During your allergy season, keep the dust off by cleaning not just the surfaces but also vacuuming the carpets as well as the curtains.

⦿ Your pets might be a reason to further intensify your allergies, keep them clean and bath regularly.

⦿ Decide for proper indoor ventilation. The air around us needs to be clean and fresh for you to inhale.

⦿ Allergy relief air purifiers might be your best ally against the allergens that persist around you. The air purifiers work effectively against airborne allergens by filtering them and circulating clean and healthy air.


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    What Wellis Air Purifier Does to Minimize Seasonal Flu and Allergies?

    Air Purifiers Help To Remove Seasonal Flu and Allergies

    Low energy consumption and powerful purifying substance, Wellis air disinfection does the magic against the seasonal flu and allergies with style. It uses the sun’s ultraviolet rays to rid the air with any impurities and pollutants present around. It is inspired from the natural ozone layer and uses OH radical technology to destroy the particles on the surface and airborne contaminants. It covers up to the area of 1500 square meters based on the design and layout of the accommodation. Lightweight and portable, Wellis air purifier uses the latest air cleaning technology to provide you with a healthy environment that benefits you as well as others in many ways. It comes with a warranty for up to 18 months of parts as well as maintenance. Furthermore, for continuous surface and air cleaning, Wellis air includes refill cartridges that last 3 months each. It meets all the emission safety protocols. Not only the air but it also cleans wooden, plastic as well as metal surfaces.


    Seasonal flu and allergies can make your life quite difficult, and the seasonal return makes them even more daunting. Be it a cold flu or seasonal allergy, the discomfort may be extended due to dusty surfaces or improper ventilation. The dry throat, rashes, runny nose, fever and sometimes headaches in severe cases makes it difficult to move on with the daily chores. It is important to boost your immunity, keep the surroundings clean and disinfect the surfaces regularly. While we talk about disinfection, do not forget about the air around you which is also an important factor to worsen your allergies. The Wellis air disinfection purifier is not only the best air purifier for the seasonal flu, but also one of the best safety tools for eliminating viruses and bacteria due to its latest and innovative technology that not only filters the air, but also removes impurities utilizing radicals.


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